jueves, 21 de agosto de 2014

fifth high school

fifth high school

in this year we see:
simple present, past simple, future simple, present progresive, past progresive, future progresive, present perfect, past perfect, future perfect, present perfect progresive, past perfect progresive and future perfect progresive.

representing 11 years of study we can see over 20 topics learned and always returning to study all

the mos important od this year was learn the prayers:

fourth high school

fourth high school

in this year we see the adverbs of time, pasive voice, all this topics we learned and practice in diferents forms: in writing speaking and reading using all the themes of past years.

third high school

third high school

this year we start to see and strengthen the comparatives and superlatives, verb regular and irregular verbs ; we use this to do different writings.

second baccalaureate

second baccalaureate

in this year we start to see: 
the time, verbs in present simple, pronouns, wh questions, comparative adjectives.
we see the time before but in this year we perfected its use.

lunes, 11 de agosto de 2014

first baccalaureate

first baccalaureate

we start to see the verb to be in different sentences.
we use in questions , answers in affirmative and negative form.
we  expanded the verbs for use the verb to be and do a bether complement.


fifth primary

fifth primary

we learn the interrogative questions in affirmative negative form and the answers in affirmative and negative form.
in this year we net to now all de numbers, animals, clothes and difernts verbs because this year was the (prueva saber quinto primaria).


fourth primary

fourth primary

this year we practice listening with differents methods.
perform various texts about past holidays; we
read in class stimulating the listening and writing.

for these subjects we use different learning aids such as: